
Moon and Stars

January 9th, 2024, 9:03 PM CST

I swear the moon and stars shine just for you

Footprints in the Secret Place

January 9th, 2024, 9:16 AM CST

I went to one of the secret places yesterday and saw someone else's footprints

there (see above: my own, much smaller footprints for reference), so I'm not the only

one who goes there, it seems. Honestly I'm probably not supposed to be there but

whatever. I'm not technically doing anything wrong if I'm never caught lol

A Meme for You From Pinterest

January 7th, 2024, 4:26 AM CST

This except I haven't met u yet lol

Wondering About You

January 2nd, 2024, 1:?? AM CST

I wonder what you're up to right now. Probably sleeping TBH but you never know. How are

you doing

Not Your Fault

December 30th, 2023, 3:04 AM CST

And it's not your fault, of course. I'm just delusional lol

By Now

December 30th, 2023, 2:46 AM CST

I always thought I would have met you by now


December 26th, 2023, 3:20 AM

What if we dressed up as Twilight Sparkle and Mordecai... just kidding... unless???


December 25th, 2023, 12:40 AM CST

Admittedly, there is some part of me that hopes we'll never meet. I don't like people

existing in my space and I'm worried you'll be no different on the off chance that

A. you even exist in the first place; and B. I ever meet you. That same part of me,

despite the fact that I specifically made this part of the website for you, also

hopes you'll never see it. I think it's the loneliness and its wretched effects, plus

the knowledge that I've really fucked myself over in terms of showing someone

absolutely everything by creating this website and thus far intending to keep it

up forever.

Fantasizing, Etc.

December 21st, 2023, 2:37 AM CST

Sometimes I imagine you finding all this and becoming fascinated by it all and

then, say, recognizing the bridge in the background of the secret place photos as

the one at your own school and setting out to find me. That'll never happen, of

course, but a girl can dream.


I also want to show you the mall at sunset. Before the sun started setting at 4 PM

I saw it all the time from the transit center on my way to choir and often found

myself wishing you were there to see it, too, because it was so pretty, even

though it was, in fact, Literally just my local half-dead mall (specifically

viewed from the dead side) against a colorful backdrop.


I suppose there is a beauty in that, in a melancholic sort of way.

Late Night Thoughts

December 14th, 2023, 1:43 AM CST

I want to go out into the forest with you and howl at the moon. Like, really bad.

I want to go places with you at night where we're the only ones around. And of

course I realize my loneliness probably feels much greater right now because it's

1 in the morning and I'm tired but