Communal Tote

December 13th, 2023

Last week (on December 6th, 2023) my school had like some

sort of mental health arts and crafts day or something and

after class I and a couple classmates just started messing

around w/ all the stuff they had out (one guy drew a dick

in the shaving cream meant for making tie-dye shirts, for

example --- there were also 2 dudes who tied water-filled

condoms around their necks so they looked like boobs,

which is unrealated to the art supplies but still; college

is fun :) ) and at one point this girl (who painted the

bear) came up to us and said she was leaving, gave us a

tote bag she'd been painting, and said we could do

whatever we wanted with it, so we decided to go around

each painting our own little character on it (though we

only managed to paint 2 before we all had to leave). I

painted the lil wizard guy. I also arranged those letter

beads on the table to tell anyone who sees it they can

paint something, too ^.^